Tell us about yourself-where you are from, education or lack of, family roots, some background.
parents met during WW2, my father at first a bomb aimer in a Lancaster and then
a navigator on a destroyer in the Mermansk convoys. He was Lancastrian, my
mother a village girl from Devon. After demob they began married life proper in
Blackpool, where I was born in 1946. But very soon afterwards my mother yearned
for Devon and we returned to her village, Stoke Gabriel, on the banks of the
Dart estuary. I never really fitted in there, got moved from the village
school, and then was one of the first batch of 11+ passes to get sent to a
grammar school two bus journeys away. (See Hate Mail - https://sites.google.com/site/samsmiththejournal/16-on-belonging ) My mother ran a B&B, my father was a
warehouseman/shop assistant and they couldn’t afford the school uniform. The grammar
school teachers, still wearing gowns and mortar boards from their pre-war
private school days, made it obvious they didn’t much approve of us poorly
equipped lower class riff-raff foisted on them. Seems like I didn’t have much
option but to rebel. Also seemed like those schoolteachers had a penchant for
caning me. Despite holding some kind of record for school detentions and
corporal punishment, I managed to come by 7 O-levels before being asked to
leave. I’ve never been able to work out if I was actually expelled, but I was
certainly told never to darken their marble doorstep again.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
had always enjoyed writing essays and letters, but hadn’t thought of myself as
a writer until 1968. By which time I had, on leaving school, worked as a
gardener, on building sites, joined the Merchant Navy at my parents’ behest
(they wanted a career for me, but I met similar amounts of bullshit aboard ship
that I had at school, and so, after a few adventures, was asked to leave and
was shipped home), couldn’t stand village life, got in trouble with the police,
moved to London, worked as a scaffolder, got laid off in the winter and the
Employment Exchange, seeing my O-levels, sent me along to Imperial College,
where I was taken on in their Computing Science department. The work suited – I
had enjoyed maths at school, had been way ahead of my year when I left, had
even been doing calculus – and at IC I rapidly rose from computer operator to
Data Control manager. That promotion was in 1969. Meanwhile I had met a girl,
been introduced to her family and friends, and had been living in Chelsea,
where many of my new friends were artists and musicians. I had no talent for
the visual arts and was no musician, but I did so enjoy their company.
working at IC my nihilism had also got me involved in drugs, had got me hooked
on methedrine, even to scoring their prescriptions off some Notting Hill
whores. After a couple of bad experiences I realized where the addiction was
heading and took myself away from London, got myself a summer job as the
engineer on a Torbay pleasure boat, an old motor torpedo boat, and did my cold
turkey. Then a heavy swell one day meant we had trouble berthing alongside so
all trips were cancelled. A girlfriend who had come along for a trip across the
bay – I’ve told of this so many times now that it’s become like someone else’s
story and I have to convince myself that this really is what did happen – gave
me her new-bought book to read while she wandered out to the end of the
breakwater. I sat on a rock and read the whole of Henry Miller’s ‘The Smile at
the Foot of the Ladder’ there and then. On finishing it I decided that if I
could write something as good as that then my whole life too would have been worthwhile.
If I could write something as good as that and touch someone never met, across
space and time, as Henry Miller had just touched me then that would justify my
having been alive. That was when I first realized that I wanted to be a writer.
course it took me another 23 years to see a single word of mine in print.
long have you been writing? Elaborate, not just yes, no.
1968. First was a couple of poems about an abortion, but what I really wanted
was to write novels, to draw the reader into worlds of my creation. I had been
raised in a very reactionary climate and I wanted to pass on the lessons I’d
learnt in Africa and India, in the war between India and Pakistan – we’d been
ferrying refugees - and the lessons learnt from all the many different people
I’d met. I wasn’t about to take up a
monk’s existence though and I complicated my life around women. A junky
girlfriend found me in Brixham and we ended up living in a caravan in a turnip
field until I decided, again, enough was enough and told her that I was
leaving. Whereupon she held up the local Woolworths with a pair of toy pistols.
Another girlfriend inveigled me back to London and work at IC but I couldn’t
seem to find space and time in which to write. So in 1969 I decided to run away
à la Durrell to Cyprus and to write. I got a couple of poems out of the summer,
but ended up spying for the Turks, drinking far too many brandy sours and fell
out with my girlfriend. I returned that autumn to London and a very small room
in which, at last, I began in earnest work on my first 3 novels. Then I
stupidly got married. But I did keep on writing.
you always wanted to be a published writer? Elaborate, not just yes, no.
Although the act of writing does help in discovering my own thinking, from the
very beginning I have intended my writing to be read. Else what’s the point?
Writing is like speaking, is to communicate. Otherwise it’s no more than an old
man muttering to himself. Writing doesn’t become real unless it’s being read by
another. In fact just the thought of another person looking at our work can
have us revising it. Which is why I don’t like anyone to read my work until it
has gone through several drafts, with each draft being given the once over by
an imaginary other.
the every year of my 23 years of not being published at least one editor would
be keen to take my work on. It got so that year’s MS would pass the 3 readers
that most big publishing houses then had, get passed by the editor, and turned
down by the sales team. I thought it my fate to be considered not commercial.
Things came to a head when my latest novel, ‘Constant Change’, kept coming back
by return post. That hadn’t happened to any of my MS for years, and I couldn’t
see, aside from its being bigger than anything I’d written before, why it would
be so summarily rejected. A local Arts agency had set up an MS reading service
so I sent ‘Constant Change’ along to them. What I didn’t then know was that the
people running the agency had set it up to assess local talent. Out of the two
thousand odd MS mine was the novel with which they proposed to launch their own
publishing house. We had many meetings, discussions. This was 1987. Come
January 1988 they were ready to go. Only to discover that their backers had
lost all their venture capital in the October ’87 crash.
this point I decided that I had to have some work, any work in print. So I
turned to poetry. Within a year I had several poems accepted by different
magazines. By 1995 I had my first poetry collection, ‘To Be Like John Clare’,
being published by Salzburg University Press. My second collection,
‘Skin&Bones’, by Odyssey Press a year later. And it was under the kind
tutelage of Derrick Woolf of Odyssey Press that had me starting my own small
press, Original Plus’ and magazine, ‘The Journal of Contemporary
Anglo-Scandinavian Poetry’. My first novel, ‘Sister Blister’, was published by
Online Originals in 1999. By which time
I’d done my first public reading on national radio as part of that year’s
Forward Prize. Having been on the outside for so long and wanting now to be
involved at every level I started my own poetry festival in Taunton. It ran for
3 years, may even be running still under a new guise. And by now I was
receiving invitations to submit, had novels published by Jacobyte Books in
Australia, BeWrite Books who were then in Germany, and Bluechrome/boho in
Bristol. I thought I had it made.
do you write? When do you not?
prefer to write in the mornings. Andre Gide said that thoughts are like flowers,
those picked in the mornings stay freshest longest. So when I was working I
always tried to get jobs that involved shift work, and then I often volunteered
for the unpopular afternoon/late shift. Probably one of the reasons my first
marriage failed – mornings I was writing, afternoons and evenings at work. And
by then, encouraged by favorable responses from editors - ‘This man can really
write…’ a reader at Macmillans - if not acceptance I was well and truly the
I’ve usually run out of steam by early evening. But if my circumstances change…
there’s probably no time I won’t write. When I had a cushy job in Nuclear
Physics at IC I wrote my then novel on night shift. I’ve written on desks
balanced on rubble in a half renovated house, on a desk made behind a wardrobe,
even silently while nursing a blind man in hospital.
What resources online (include
links and websites) help you most as a writer? What resources
who you suggest for beginning writers? I consider this question important since
all need new sources to help us find publishers, forums, etc.
Having been writing for years, and managed without, I find that I don’t use many online resources for actual writing. Although I do consult the English Poetry Library’s listings when about to submit - http://www.poetrymagazines.org.uk/ . The one forum I belong to is Bibliophilia - http://www.bibliophilia.org/ Unlike many forums it is well mediated, no tit for tat point scoring, offers constructive criticism and is generally supportive in all areas of writing, regularly lets one know what publisher is seeking submissions. Although I make little use of those suggestions as they are primarily for the US market.
Having been writing for years, and managed without, I find that I don’t use many online resources for actual writing. Although I do consult the English Poetry Library’s listings when about to submit - http://www.poetrymagazines.org.uk/ . The one forum I belong to is Bibliophilia - http://www.bibliophilia.org/ Unlike many forums it is well mediated, no tit for tat point scoring, offers constructive criticism and is generally supportive in all areas of writing, regularly lets one know what publisher is seeking submissions. Although I make little use of those suggestions as they are primarily for the US market.
being a writer/poet anything like you imagined it would be? Elaborate, not just
yes, no.
When I first started I imagined publication within a year, not 23 years. And
with publication would of course come great wealth. But then the writing took
over, became important in itself, part and parcel of me. And when I did finally
get published I was gratified to be on the receiving end of some great reviews.
My poetry collection ‘pieces’ (K.T.Publications) was said to be ‘the best book
published this [21st] century’. Another collection, ‘Problems &
Polemics’ (Bluechrome/boho), also received fulsome praise. While my SF novel
‘We Need Madmen’ written some 20+ years before, won the 2007 Skrev SF prize,
and my chapbook ‘An Atheist’s Alphabetical Approach to Death’ got placed in the
top 4 of an erbacce press competition. My novel ‘Something’s Wrong’ (dpdotcom
publications) got my writing compared to that of Dostoyevsky. I’ve also been
taken on as poetry and fiction editor by small indie publishers. My words have
found sympathetic readers on the other side of the globe. Which, for now, is
you figured out a way of making money as a writer or poet? Elaborate, not just
yes, no.
Afraid not. Mixed fortunes really. Some editing work has paid really well, while some publishers have gone bust owing me money. And now with the digital market and self-publishing muddying the waters I can’t see a way forward – so far as sales and making money goes – for some time to come. And I say this as both author and publisher of other peoples’ work.
inspires you to write and do you remember the exact moment you knew you wanted
to be a writer?
exact moment was reading Henry Miller on Breakwater beach in Brixham. These
many years later I seem to have so many projects on the go that writing has its
own impetus.
are notable authors who have influenced your writing?
Miller of course, but the pared down elegant style of some French authors
especially. Colette, Francois Sagan. Poets would include Thom Gunn, Ted Hughes,
W H Auden, Norman MacCaig… But really there are far too many to list here. Just
lately for prose I’ve been swinging between the extremes of Haruki Murakami and
A S Byatt.
you follow a strict writing schedule or just write when the spirit hits you?
write every morning for at least 2 hours. Rest of the day I may spend editing
others’ work for The Journal and/or Original Plus; or on commissioned work.
stimulates or motivates you to write: nature, human events, a little wine or
vodka, or did I miss something?-this is a being honest with yourself question.
all these years of trying to get it down right, and never being satisfied with
the result, I think it is still injustice that moves me to write. For instance
I dedicated ‘The Secret Report of Friar Otto’ to Dr David Kelly who died after
trying to expose the falsehoods behind the WMDs in Iraq. The Friar Otto tale
itself being of a loyal subject cynically used.
find writing while under the influence of any narcotic very difficult. I’ve
experimented with most narcotics and really it’s not a good idea to mix the
two. Away from the page then a little alcohol can free up the neural synapses.
But so can a walk in the woods.
do you find the most inspiration?
and books. For instance I based 2 poetry collections, ‘To Be Like John Clare’
and ‘Problems & Polemics’ on my work as a psychiatric nurse. But it
wouldn’t have been half as good without my having read Freud, Adler, Jung, RD
Laing and others. And while ‘The Care Vortex’ was based almost wholly on my
work as a residential social worker, ‘The Secret Report of Friar Otto’ depended
entirely on research. While my last novel, ‘Something’s wrong’ (http://www.amazon.com/Somethings-Wrong-ebook/dp/B004XWPZGU/ref=sr_1_1_title_1_kin?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1369820290&sr=1-1&keywords=%22Something%27s+Wrong%22+Sam+Smith),
was based on my experience both as a psychiatric nurse and while watching a
residential nursing home across from my then flat.
type of stories, poetry, and/or fiction do you like to read, imitate, or write?
to say what I haven’t thus far felt any urge to write – horror, zombie, vampire
fiction. And with poems I shy away from rhyme. We’ve had a couple of scandals
of plagiarism of late here, so imitation is pretty much a very bad idea.
Emulation on the other hand…
you tell me what tools, resources, or how or your working to grow as an artist?
What tools, resources, or how or you working to grow as an artist? Please list
their names, websites and links. I'm looking to adding critical useful
information to this page of the interview:
afraid that, having been writing so long, the resources I still tend to go to
first are hard copy books. I find most writers’ forums and workshops
uncomfortable. So, sorry, can’t help you here Michael.
you though I have found – although I haven’t done it for several books now –
but I did use to tape myself. There are recordings of some poems I did in a
studio here - http://www.audioscapes.org/contributors-snd-ss.htm
you had to choose, what would you say are the two best poems, flash fiction, or
short stories you have ever written to this date? Would you like to share a
link to those works-or send them the works themselves to my email? Send
personal photo if available.
does one choose? They are all my children. So I asked Steph, who has read all
my work. For poetry she said ‘pieces’ was probably my best, and for fiction
either ‘Friar Otto’ or the SF series ‘towards the unmaking of Heaven’.
is your opinion on self-publishing as opposed to traditional publishing? Please
list for our readers the publisher(s), POD (print on demand) or self publishing
you use or have used. If use have used traditional publishers who are they?
Give us a sense of your personal experience and attitudes toward them. Please
understand there is a difference between POD publisher who request money to
publish you ie iUniverse, etc and those like Lulu.com and CreateSpace.com where
you publish yourself and edit yourself. How do you feel about traditional
think we’re very much in an interim phase with publishing. The novelty of
digital, the sudden flood of self-published books, has left readers overwhelmed
and publishers not knowing which way to turn. Publishers have had to cut back,
have laid off editors before their sales people. Literature is consequently
suffering. With even proof editors being laid off books having had only a spell-check
run through, books are emerging from the biggest publishing houses full of
off-putting typos and howlers. J K Rowling’s latest even.
these last few years I have had 3 publishers go bust on me. Even POD for them
proving far too expensive to keep going and profits from digital not enough.
The small indies, one/two people operations, are coming up with new models of
publishing, and thanks to the net can be their own booksellers. I’ve been fortunate
in finding one - http://www.indigodreams.co.uk/
- for my new novel, ‘Marraton’, due out some time in paperback and as an eBook
some time this year 2013.
grateful to another indie, dpdotcom, for having brought out my novel,
‘Something’s Wrong’. While, knowing that many publishers fight shy of SF
series, I used Real Time Publishing to self-publish my 5 book series ‘towards
the unmaking of Heaven’ - http://www.amazon.co.uk/towards-unMaking-Heaven-Balant-ebook/dp/B004INHT90/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1369750944&sr=1-2&keywords=Sam+Smith+the+unMaking+of+Heaven
what methods or sources are you trying to market your works with? Do you find
marketing your works for exposure easy or difficult? Please list their names,
websites and links.
I’ve found easier to sell than novels. Poetry just requires me to give
readings, attend book fairs, etc., and face to face I can sell books. But there
are so many fewer events specifically for novelists and those that do exist are
taken over by the big boys. As for online I’ve found/observed that obvious
self-promotion can be counter productive. But not having found an effective way
of marketing my work I can’t really recommend anything. Other than, if you have
the funds, get someone to do the marketing for you.
of my new publishers, Endeavour Press ( http://www.endeavourpress.com/ ), has been picking up titles from a
publisher gone bust and re-releasing them under new titles; and he concentrates
almost exclusively on marketing. He took my ‘Marks’ re-released it digitally as
‘Hit and Run’ and it got to 15th in the Amazon charts - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00B5GB64C
can we find your works? Feel free to show links or websites.
all my books presently in print, and some out of print, can be found on Amazon
and other online retail sites. Or via my own new website - https://sites.google.com/site/samsmiththejournal/home
have talked about your professional writing career, but not about how your
personal life reflects your writing. Tell us something about you personally,
that the world can see in your writing.
lot of that has been covered in my responses to the preceding questions.
Suffice to say I’ve traveled a lot, have lived in different countries, had many
different jobs even after I settled in Somerset with my present partner Steph
and our daughters. Once the girls left home Steph and I have moved twice. One
of the major influences would have had to be my 14 years working in the care
New question – Did becoming a publisher/editor yourself change your
approach to writing?
much so. Not so much with submitting poetry, but having worked as a fiction
editor I can see how necessary it is to grab the reader’s attention and keep
it. And to make the text as ‘clean’ as possible. Nothing more off-putting to an
editor than overwritten, flowery writing. And no excuse for misspellings these
days. When a rejection of a full MS can take months, if not years (and remember
even with poems you are offering the editor of a magazine first serial rights,
so any multiple submissions will probably get summarily rejected), take just
that one more look back through the text to make sure that is how you will want
it to appear. And always, but always, read the publisher’s guidelines.
Otherwise you’re wasting your own time and the publishers.
to make any comments how this site can be improved or expanded?
pretty good to me Michael. I especially like that it is not overcrowded. So
many interview sites have so many authors on them all giving very similar
answers to an identical set of questions.
thank you for taking the time for some honest answers and sharing with the world.
ReplyDeleteSharing is all that my writing has ever been about. A commonwealth of writers, with emphasis on the wealth, and I don't mean monetary.
DeleteI'm familiar with Mr. Johnson's works.
ReplyDeletethanks for the interview.
Arthur C.Ford,Sr.,poet/editor
Hi Arthur thank your for your comments, Michael Lee Johnson
ReplyDeleteI've met Sam Smith at least once and he is barking mad. Or is that me who is crazy and he the sensible one? Anyhow, an intriguing set of responses, Sam, especially your early years that had passed me by. You didn't mention your ouevre, The End of Science Fiction - a detective determined to catch a criminal even though the Earth is doomed.
ReplyDeleteGood on you for your frank confessions, which I'm passing on to the police as we speak. They have the time, it seems, to prosecute historical crimes such as yours - haha. Kidding, this time.
We'll meet again.
Thanks for the wonderful answers, Sam. I really enjoy The Journal. I hope to read your novel soon.
Fascinating, Sam ... and you're only two years younger than me! It'll be good to know who I'm talking to next time I email you.
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