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Tidbits 4 Writers & Editors:  Did You Know?

Some Additional Information-Interview With Russell Streur
The Goddess is by Graves, yes.  

On poems most proud of having written, The Famine Season leads the list.  First published in Milwaukee as a chapbook in 1981; revised and reprinted on the 25th anniversary of the hunger strike in Ireland by The Blanket in May of 2006; revised again in 2011, attached.  I think it is finally complete.

And then The Emperor is Afraid of Zhu Yufu, also attached.  First published in protestpoems.  I urge your readers to consider signing The Petition to Free Zhu Yufu at http://freezhuyufu.blogspot.com/, of which I am the coordinator.

Danny died a couple years back.  Sone of things are at the Saloon http://thecamelsaloon.blogspot.com/search/label/Daniel%20Harmon

Lyn Lifshin a New Book Pending...
Pending Press Release:  all poets and writers are excited about a new accepted book:  Secretariat:  The Red Freak, The Miracle to be published in 2013 by Texas Review Press by our very own Lyn Lifshin, poet/wrier, Niskayuna, New York.  Keep your eye open for its release:  http://www.shsu.edu/~www_trp/.

If you have any questions contact Lyn:  onyxvelvet@aol.com

Topic:  Use of PayPal for Invoicing Customers for Payment for Free:  Contributor, Michael Lee Johnson

You can use your PayPal account for sending invoices to your customers or follows or those who would purchase your book so they can pay using their credit cards and it is directly deposited into your PayPal account.  As far as your customer is concerned, you are simply accepting payments my credit card.  Unlike in the past, PayPal does not require those making payment to have a PayPal account:  https://www.paypal.com/home.  Yes they charge slightly more than a standard credit card program, but:  you have no monthly fees, use it only when you need it, no under usage fees, or termination fees.  Read this link for invoice creation:  https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/requesting-payments.  There are also paying options which you don't need for basic invoice payments.

Topic:  How to Be an Editor Without and Editor:  Contributor, Michael Lee Johnson

If you are like me, I'm alone and don't have others to edit my poetry or writings.  I have found the best way to be your own editor (which is never a really good idea) is to get free audio recorders on the net and make audio Mp3 files of your work-there is something about listening to your own work that makes your an outside critic.  You would be amazed at the errors, non-sense, arrangement line misalignments and simple grammatical errors you make and can correct before sending your work out for editorial review.  Search in Google for Free audio sound records or variations of this.  https://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=Free+audio+sound+recorders+mp3&oq=Free+audio+sound+recorders+mp3&gs_l=hp.3..33i29.2162.10424.0.11110.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42080656,d.aWM&fp=365df096b477ac88&biw=1120&bih=568

Topic:  Did You Know There are Literally dozens of "Free" Websites you can Use for Your Writings or Poetry Sites?  Here are Just a Few, Contributor, Michael Lee Johnson 


Topic:  Suggestions For Improving the Quality of Mp3 Audio Files of Your Writings or Poetry

I have found the best form of editing, if you don't pay for editing or have an educated family member or friend, is to get a free recorder off the internet and be forced to speak out loud ever word of your writing or poem-you will see the short comings.  I recently received tips for audio recording from: 
Geoff Lemon,  Going Down Swinging:  http://goingdownswinging.org.au/site/#&panel1-2.  They accepted 3 of my audio poems with some quality issues.  They suggested the following:

Vanessa has suggested that the quality of the sample poem you sent me might be high enough to work for us.

Perhaps if you could try recording the poems we mentioned, using your newer equipment, we can see how that sounds?  (I had an old set of speakers that were great but "hissing" and my mic was picking up the sound)

The important thing is to make sure all electrical devices are off if they don't need to be on. If the microphone is sitting close to the speakers, the monitor, or the computer itself, it will likely pick up some background hiss from these devices. Speakers don't need to be on, and perhaps after hitting 'record', you could even switch the monitor off if you think it will interfere.

I think you said you were using a webcam/microphone - perhaps you could detach it from the monitor and position it closer to you as you read?

The best thing to do would be borrow a somewhat better microphone, if you know anyone who has one. Any musician will probably have an SM-58 (the standard stage microphone), or even something better for recording. But if that's not an option, let's try with the equipment that you have.

It would be best to save the files in .wav format rather than .mp3. If using mp3, at least use the highest possible bit-rate.

With the recordings, it would be best for us to have:

A decent pause between the title and the first line. (We may not use audio of the titles, so we need to be able to cut that if required).
A decent pause after the last line.
Don't include your name, or any comments after the last line. We'll present the authors' names as text, not in the audio. Audio should be just the poem itself.

I hope this all sounds ok to you, and that we hear from you soon.

Many thanks, Michael,
